Article 170 An application for adjudgment of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity of a citizen shall be filed by the citizen's near relatives or any other interested party with the basic people's court in the locality where the citizen has his domicile. 第一百七十条申请认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力,由其近亲属或者其他利害关系人向该公民住所地基层人民法院提出。
In this paper, internal connection of the building of ruling capacity of the Party and environmental protection is narrated. 阐述了环境保护与党的执政能力建设的内在联系。论述了加强环境保护是增强“党的领导能力”的题中之意;
Since the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee and the National Party conference, the party's solidarity and unity have been strengthened immensely, and the political awareness of all Party members and the fighting capacity of the party organizations have increased greatly. 在党的七届四中全会和全国代表会议以后,党的团结和统一,是大大地加强了,全党同志的觉悟和党的组织的战斗力,是大大地提高了。
Second, energetically improving the capacity of practice guided by the Party's scientific theories. 二是着力提高实践能力,切实用党的科学理论指导工作实践。
Considering the bearing capacity of the floor, Party B shall not use any heavy materials, such as granite and marble, to decorate the floor. 鉴于办公室和地坪承载负荷限制,乙方如对办公室装修时,不得使用花岗石、大理石等重质材料地面装饰。
Enhance the capacity building of the leadership of the Party, making new achievements of capacity building of the leading groups of various levels. 加强党的执政能力建设,各级领导班子和干部队伍建设取得新成效;
Construction of the Party team is directly related to pioneer character and fighting capacity of the Party. 党员的思想政治素质、业务能力素质以及他们发挥先锋模范作用的情况,直接关系和影响到党的执政能力和党的先进性。
Its cohesiveness and fighting capacity condense in the course of quantitative change and qualitative change of the Party during 80 years deeply. 其凝聚力和战斗力深深地凝结在80年间党的量变和质变的过程中。
The target of capacity construction of the party and governmental leadership in national frontier area at present is to enhance leading capacity, to improve study ability, to increase innovative ability and enrich wisdom? 现阶段边疆民族地区党政领导能力建设的目标是加强领导能力、提升学习能力、增进创新能力和丰富心智能力。
On Capacity of Party of Fetus 胎儿之当事人能力初探
Only by strengthening the Party's construction, the fighting capacity and the influence power of teacher's Party branch, can we improve the quality of teachers, especially the ideological quality. 提高教师队伍的素质特别是思想政治素质必须加强党的建设,增强教师党支部的战斗力和影响力。
Their quality affected their administrative capacity and effect, and also an objective requirement of improvement of Party's administrative and leading levels. 中青年领导干部的素质影响中青年领导干部的行政能力和效果,也是新形势下提高党的执政水平和领导水平的客观要求。
The governing capacity of the Party, which needs to be strengthened, is the foundation of its governing legality. 政党的执政能力是执政合法性的根本依据,因此需要强化其能力本位。
On the Capacity of a Political Party: Features and Ways 论政党能力:特征和途径
Capacity Allocation Optimization of Third Party Warehousing with Demand Updating 基于需求更新的第三方仓储能力分配优化
It also refers to the governing capacity of the Party as a whole but not adding the abilities of leading cadres together. 它是指党的整体执政能力,而不是领导干部能力的机械相加。
The article holds, in order to better protect the legal right of fetus, it should be prescribed in the code of civil procedure that fetus should share the capacity of party. 为了更好地保护胎儿的合法权益,民事诉讼法应当规定胎儿具有当事人能力。
If we does not eliminate it firmly, it certainly will weaken the fighting capacity of Party members and cadres seriously, and damage the flesh-and-blood connections between the Party and people and eventually hinder well-to-do society from realizing smoothly. 如不坚决刹住,势必严重削弱党员干部队伍的战斗力,损害党同人民群众的血肉联系,最终妨碍全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的顺利实现。
Forming the basic aspect of the Party's governing capacity, the "Five Abilities" are the key point for the strengthening of the Party's governing capacity, and the basic point for the improvement of the carders 'leading and governing abilities. 五种能力构成了党的执政能力的基本方面,是加强党的执政能力建设的重点任务,是领导干部提高领导和执政素质的基础。
Strictly administering the Party will surely strengthen the Party building by increasing the cohesion and capacity of the Party organization, which is necessarily demanded in the new circumstances. 从严治党是加强党的建设,使党更具有凝聚力和战斗力的关键,也是新形势、新任务的根本要求。
In the new situation and new tasks, the study how to improve the leadership capacity of the ruling, is a theoretical and a practical issue for us to strengthen the party's ruling capacity building, consolidating state power, and has far-reaching theoretical and practical significance. 在新形势和新任务下,研究领导如何提高执政能力,既是一个理论问题,又是一个实践问题,对于我们加强党的执政能力建设,巩固国家政权,具有深远的理论和现实意义。
And we must strive to improve the governing and leading capacity of our party. 最后还要进一步提高党的执政能力和领导水平。
The improvement of the Party's governing capacity consists mainly in improving the governing capacity of the Party as a whole and its organizations at all levels, and in improving the quality the Party's cadres and members. 党的整体、各级党组织、党的领导干部、党员队伍是党的执政能力建设四个不同层次的主体。党的整体的执政能力是党的执政能力建设的根本;
Leading Cadres are the Foundation for the Capacity of the Party's Reign Construction 领导干部是党执政能力建设的基础
The administrative ability and fighting capacity of middle-level cadres in institutions of higher education directly reflect the governing ability of the Party. 高校中层领导干部执政能力的高低,战斗力的强弱,直接反映党的执政能力状况。
On Primarily Exploring Evaluating System of Ruling Capacity of the Party 党的执政能力评价体系初探
In the part of legal application on international syndicated loan agreement, it introduces the applicable law and the capacity of covenanting party, discusses the choice of applicable law to the loan agreement and the guarantee agreement respectively. 在对国际银团贷款协议的法律适用部分中,介绍了准据法和当事人缔约能力的基本情况,分别讨论了贷款协议和担保协议的准据法选择,最后还探讨了国际银团贷款的争议解决。
Thus nature of the payment property and the property capacity of the infringing party involved in the dispute of compensation for marital damages can be resolved. 婚内损害赔偿纠纷涉及的支付财产的性质和侵权人财产能力等问题均迎刃而解。
Firstly, the author expounds the phenomenon and reason of the extension of capacity of a party compared with legal capacity for private rights, and explicates the logic chains that it forms the "theoretical source" of addition of the person subjected to execution. 首先就当事人能力对民事权利能力扩张的表现和原因进行了论述,并解释了其构成被执行人追加制度理论渊源的逻辑链条。
Combining with logistics service demand between buyer and vendor and capacity of third party logistics enterprises, three kinds of service objectives of third party logistics service for neutral B2B platform and two kinds of service project which can provide choice and customization logistics service were designed. 结合交易客户企业的物流服务需求以及3PL企业的能力,设计出三类面向B2B平台的第三方物流服务目标,以及可以提供的选择型和定制型两类物流服务方案。